电气工程及其自动化 用英语怎么说
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Electrical engineering and automation
电气工程electrical engineering
自动化automation; automatization; automate; robotization
Industrial process control is an elective course of electrical engineering and automation.
电气工程及其自动化的英文单词是什么 啊
Electrical Engineering and Automation(我是这个专业毕业的,有问题问我)
the professional training goal, cultivating socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, engineers, with basic training, electric motor and its control, the control of power system and its automation, building electrical engineering field theory and basic knowledge, can be engaged in the design, manufacture, development, testing *** ysis, system, automatic control and power electronic technology, production management and application of electronic and computer technology advanced application-oriented engineering and technical personnel. Second, the business scope of business through four specifications and professional training, the students should reach the following requirements: 1, the system of mathematics, computer and engineering drawings "engineering tools", and have strong knowledge of English reading ability and preliminary English communication skills. 2, the system master circuit principle, electronics, electrical and electronic technology, automatic control theory, the microcomputer control technology, mechanical engineering foundation of professional knowledge. 3, master motors, electrical appliances, electric power, high voltage, the basic theory of such heavy field and professional knowledge. 4 with motor, electrical appliances, electrical equipment of the design, manufacture, operation control, test *** ysis, research and development, production and management of the preliminary ability, Or have power system, electrical equipment, building electrical field of system design and operation control, development, testing the preliminary *** ysis ability, Or building electrical field electrical design, building automation, integrated wiring and intelligent building system design, system operation, develop, test *** ysis, project construction and management ability. 5 and has strong ability of self-study and further ability. This program is to cultivate students can be engaged in the following job: 1, motor electrical design, manufacturing and control, test, operation and maintenance, research and development, production and management work, Electrical equipment and power system and power system and the operation, high-rise building electrical design and maintenance work, Or building electrical field electrical design, building automation, integrated wiring and intelligent building system design, system operation, develop, test *** ysis, project construction and management work. 2, power electronics, electrical, automation and instrumentation, etc tran *** ission technology development work. Third, the main subject, the main course main subject: electrical engineering, control of science and engineering, computer science and technology major courses: circuit theory, electronic technology, electronic technology, automatic control theory, principle and application, electrical engineering, electrical appliances, and power system *** ysis and design, high and low voltage electric motors, electric motor control, intelligent, principle and application of the power system protection, electric power system integrated automation, building for distribution, etc. A train, the training goal of socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, basic engineer training, can relate theory to practice, electrical, electronic technique, control principles, automatic detection and instrumentation, signal processing, computer technology and network technology and application of such a wide field of engineering technology and professional knowledge, can in motion control, industrial process control and power electronic technology, detection and instrumentation, electronic and computer technology, information processing, management and decision-making, etc, *** ysis, design, manufacturing and application of advanced application-oriented engineering and technical personnel. Second, the business scope and specifications (1) 1, master the business specifications necessary, professional knowledge base system, 2, a preliminary engineering knowledge and wider professional knowledge, 3, a preliminary scientific experiments, literature retrieval, information and technical and economic *** ysis and production management knowledge, 4 and has strong ability of cartography, 5 and application of electronic and mechanical materials and technology knowledge and solve the problem of professional production practical ability, 6 and has strong using computer technology and control ability, 7, with strong scientific research, experiment and *** ysis to solve the question ability, professional engineering 8 and has strong ability of self-study and adapt to the development of science and technology capability, Nine, a preliminary *** ysis and evaluation of economy and technology, production management and coordination ability, 10 and have strong English reading ability, (2) business scope, automatic control systems, power electronic equipment design, manufacturing, test, etc. 2 and automation technology of theoretical research and scientific experiments. 3, computer and its technology and research and development work. 4, factories and equipment control system of technological development, application and management work. 5 and the school teaching, scientific research and management work. Third, the main subject, the main course backbone disciplines: control of science and engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and technology major courses: circuit theory, *** og electronic technology, digital electronic technology, automatic control theory, principle and application, and power electronic technology, electrical control and PLC and single-chip microcomputer principle and application, technical, motion control system, sensors and testing technology.
Obtain employment direction
Electrical engineering and automation, absolutely is a highly professional expertise, but because the school is different, it is not the same, on the strength of the electricity, you must first points clear, the study of power system *** ysis, motor learning, relay protection, such as high voltage power, the direction of the electric power industry professional now because of the very popular and development direction, but this is not much, most university college of electrical field are weak, mainly studies the PLC control principle, control and Matlab. High voltage is the best direction: this is where people over the power company and large power, for this industry is bad, I think I need to say much, there is some large companies, such as: Siemens, ABB is the professional digestive large, Elv: for electricity, because of its general tends to control, so if into electric power industry in power plant, general electric company relatively few people gathered in the other aspects, but with less difference is heavy, also can enter Siemens, ABB etc. Large domestic and foreign, the several large electrical company.
应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。A different class of relationship occurs because of the restriction that some specific type of network element places on the variables.Still another class of relationship is one between several variables of the same type which occurs as the result of the network configuration,i.e.,the manner in which the various element of the network are interconnected.一种不同类型的关系是由于 *** 元件的某种特定类型的连接对变量的约束。
另一类关系由于 *** 结构,即 *** 的'不同元件互相连接的方式所产生的相同形式的一些变量间的关系。1.A resistor whose resistances vary with its current is known as a nonlinear resistor.
2.An open circuit is a circuit element with resistance approaching infinity.
3.3.An electric heater draws 10A form a 120V line.The resistance of the heater is 12Ω.
4.An ideal dependent source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current.
5.An independent voltage source is a two-terminal element,which maintains a specified voltage between its terminals.
6.According to the passive sign convention,if the power has a plus sign,power is absorbed by the element.
7.Electric current is the time rate of charge,measured in amperes.
8.For a circuit containing N nodes and M branches,there will be N-1 independent node voltage.
9.For a voltage source,its terminal voltage is known but its current must be determined by the external circuit connecting with it.
10.If in an acb phase sequence,Uan=100∠-20°,then Ubn is 100∠100°.
11.It is conventional to take the current flow as the movement of positive charges.
12.Kirchhoff’s laws are that are based on the topology of the network.
13.Kirchhoff’s current law can be stated in two ways.
14.Kirchhoff’s current law is based on the law of conservation of charge.
15.Kirchhoff’s voltage law is based on the law of conservation of energy.
16.Mesh *** ysis applies KVL to find unknown currents which are mesh currents.
17.Nodal *** ysis is based on a systematic application of KCL,and satisfies automatically KVL.
18.Nodal *** ysis method is choosing node voltages as circuit variables.
19.Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistor.
20.Resistors are passive elements.
21.The plus(+)and minus(-)signs in an electric circuit diagram are used to define voltage polarity.
22.There are four possible types of dependent source.
23.The circuit element used to model the current-resisting behavior of a material is the resistor.
24.The algebraic sum of all voltage around a loop is zero.
25.The potential at reference node or datum node is zero in nodal *** ysis.
26.The energy required to move a unit charge through an element is voltage.
27.The voltage across an inductor eads the current through it by 90°.
28.The voltage across an capacitor lags the current through it by 90°.
29.The three-phase source and the three-phase load have four possible connections.
30.The three voltages that have the same amplitude and frequencyωand are out of phase with each other by 120°are said to be balanced three-phase voltage.
电压源 voltage source
电流源 current source
理想电压源 ideal voltage source
理想电流源 ideal current source
伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristic
电动势 electromotive force
电压 voltage
电流 current
电位 potential
电位差 potential difference
欧姆 Ohm
伏特 Volt
安培 Ampere
瓦特 Watt
焦耳 Joule
电路 circuit
电路元件 circuit element
电阻 resistance
电阻器 resistor
电感 inductance
电感器 inductor
电容 capacitance
电容器 capacitor
电路模型 circuit model
参考方向 reference direction
参考电位 reference potential
欧姆定律 Ohm’s law
基尔霍夫定律 Kirchhoff’s law
基尔霍夫电压定律 Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL)
基尔霍夫电流定律 Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)
结点 node
支路 branch
回路 loop
网孔 mesh
支路电流法 branch current *** ysis
网孔电流法 mesh current *** ysis
结点电位法 node voltage *** ysis
电源变换 source transformations
叠加原理 superposition theorem
*** network
无源二端 *** passive two-terminal network
有源二端 *** active two-terminal network
戴维宁定理 Thevenin’s theorem
诺顿定理 Norton’s theorem
开路(断路)open circuit
短路 short circuit
开路电压 open-circuit voltage
短路电流 short-circuit current
直流电路 direct current circuit (dc)
交流电路 alternating current circuit (ac)
正弦交流电路 sinusoidal a-c circuit
平均值 average value
有效值 effective value
均方根值root-mean-squire value (rms)
瞬时值 instantaneous value
电抗 reactance
感抗 inductive reactance
容抗 capacitive reactance
法拉 Farad
亨利 Henry
阻抗 impedance
复数阻抗 complex impedance
相位 phase
初相位 initial phase
相位差 phase difference
相位领先 phase lead
相位落后 phase lag
倒相,反相 phase inversion
频率 frequency
角频率 angular frequency
赫兹 Hertz
相量 phasor
相量图 phasor diagram
有功功率 active power
无功功率 reactive power
视在功率 apparent power
功率因数 power factor
功率因数补偿 power-factor compensation
串联谐振 series resonance
并联谐振 parallel resonance
谐振频率 resonance frequency
频率特性 frequency characteristic
幅频特性amplitude-frequency response characteristic
相频特性 phase-frequency response characteristic
截止频率 cutoff frequency
品质因数 quality factor
通频带 pass-band
带宽 bandwidth (BW)
滤波器 filter
一阶滤波器 first-order filter
二阶滤波器 second-order filter
低通滤波器 low-pass filter
高通滤波器 high-pass filter
带通滤波器 band-pass filter
带阻滤波器 band-stop filter
转移函数 transfer function
波特图 Bode diagram
傅立叶级数 Fourier series
三相电路 three-phase circuit
三相电源 three-phase source
对称三相电源 symmetrical three-phase source
对称三相负载 symmetrical three-phase load
相电压 phase voltage
相电流 phase current
线电压 line voltage
线电流 line current
三相三线制 three-phase three-wire system
三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system
三相功率 three-phase power
星形连接 star connection(Y-connection)
三角形连接 triangular connection(D- connection ,delta connection)
中线 neutral line
暂态 transient state
稳态 steady state
暂态过程,暂态响应 transient response
换路定理 low of switch
一阶电路 first-order circuit
三要素法 three-factor method
时间常数 time constant
积分电路 integrating circuit
微分电路 differentiating circuit
磁路与变压器 磁场magnetic field
磁通 flux
磁路 magnetic circuit
磁感应强度 flux density
磁通势 magnetomotive force
磁阻 reluctance
直流电动机 dc motor
交流电动机 ac motor
异步电动机 asynchronous motor
同步电动机 synchronous motor
三相异步电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor
单相异步电动机 single-phase asynchronous motor
旋转磁场 rotating magnetic field
定子 stator
转子 rotor
转差率 slip
起动电流 starting current
起动转矩 starting torque
额定电压 rated voltage
额定电流 rated current
额定功率 rated power
机械特性 mechanical characteristic
按钮 button
熔断器 fuse 开关 switch
行程开关 travel switch
继电器 relay
接触器 contactor
常开(动合)触点 normally open contact
常闭(动断)触点 normally closed contact
时间继电器 time relay
热继电器 thermal overload relay
中间继电器 intermediate relay
可编程控制器 programmable logic controller
语句表 statement list
梯形图 ladder diagram
本征半导体intrinsic semiconductor
掺杂半导体doped semiconductor
P型半导体 P-type semiconductor
N型半导体 N--type semiconductor
自由电子 free electron
空穴 hole
载流子 carriers
PN结 PN junction
扩散 diffusion
漂移 drift
二极管 diode
硅二极管 silicon diode
锗二极管 germanium diode
阳极 anode
阴极 cathode
发光二极管 light-emitting diode (LED)
光电二极管 photodiode
稳压二极管 Zener diode
晶体管(三极管) transistor
PNP型晶体管 PNP transistor
NPN型晶体管 NPN transistor
发射极 emitter
集电极 collector